Aircraft Information
Specifications for the SMART-1 variant of BD5J are a little different than other BD5J variants, we have improved the range, the RCS (Radar Cross Section), thrust and custom avionics to improve safety and reliability, the SMART-1 even has auxillary power for client instruments and tracking packages. The SMART-1 is truly a unique and valuable asset for the military and DoD agencies, the SMART-1 has a nominal RCS of -10 db, tested at the Navy Radar Reflectivity Laboratory, to fully test the sensitivity of client instruments and sensors. As the aircraft is a natural threat representation of a cruise missile target on radar, is manned and has a short turn around time there is no better cruise missile surrogate on the market.

If you have questions on any performance or specifications not listed here or are specific to your program, please feel free to contact us.